So I knew that he was not going to be able to continue teaching with that bird flying over his head. The bird circled for about 5 minutes during which Tim flinched and ducked in response. It finally flew into a side ro0m and someone quickly closed the door.
Well, Tim may be terrified of birds, but they can teach us a lot. One morning God taught me crucial lessons for life from watching a group of birds on my lawn. I had been reading a verse in my Bible and preparing a Sunday School lesson when I was distracted by a bird just outside my window. I tried to re-focus and read the following verse again:
(Mt. 6:26) “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”
I had been asking God why He was letting so many difficulties and trying situations flood into my life if He truly loved me. In fact, I had even been doubting His love for me. And as I tried to read the verse again I realized God was answering my question with the verse.
But the birds were so distracting that I couldn't focus. So I asked God to hush them so that I could focus on what He was speaking to me. And I read the verse again.
LOOK at the birds! The words just jumped off the page. LOOK AT THE BIRDS!! I finally realized that God was speaking directly to me with those instructions to look at the birds. So I did it! I looked at the birds. And God taught me a lesson that day that I've never forgotten.
So for the next few days, I want to share with you what God has taught me in my lesson from the birds. I hope it will bless you as it has me.
I'm so glad that God loves me so much that He will direct thousands of birds to my lawn just to teach me a lesson for life. And I'm so glad that He loves Tim so much that He directed one little bird into a room where it could be imprisoned, allowing Tim to finish the awesome message he shared with us Wednesday night!!!
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