Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You've Been Redeemed, So Your Life Can Honor God....

17. And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; I Peter 1:17 (NKJV)

If we take this verse out of the context of the entire passage, we could be deceived into believing that we will be judged for “our” works.

Verse 17: The word “if” in this verse actually means “since.” Peter is addressing Christian readers of his letter and he is saying that since they have called on God to save them, knowing that salvation would eventually result in a day in which they would be judged for the work they did on earth, then they should be encouraged by that understanding, to honor Him in all that they do so that they will be judged favorably. This verse is not speaking of an eventual judgment to decide the eternal fate of believers. Their salvation is already established. We tend to associate judgment with punishment, but judgment can also simply mean “evaluation.” The judgment to which this verse refers is the “bema seat” type of judgment which will evaluate the righteous deeds and determine the rewards of believers (II Corinthians 5:10).

You have to consider the order in which Peter wrote his encouragements. He had just established that the only reason we can be obedient unto holy lives is because of the indwelling Spirit of Christ within us. Once Peter established that such a life of obedience is possible, he then informed us that a life of holiness will be rewarded. First, he established that the only way we can live a holy life is by resting in Christ and allowing His Holy Spirit to lead, speak, and work through us. Then he gave us a great motivation for living such a life. If we honor God by resting in what Christ does through us, then we get the reward for it. I want to make sure you fully understand that process. When we rest in Christ, He does the work through us, and we get the rewards for it!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Debbie...your teaching is so easy to understand, and right to the point. I've really enjoyed this blog of yours, and especially that you have cleared up a much misunderstood word, "judgment." Too often, the leaders in our pulpits have their students of the word shaking in their shoes. What they actually do is get their eyes on THEMSELVES, instead of on Christ Who is alive. They relegate Jesus to an historical character from a book long ago. Paul, gives us the analogy of an olympian, which really gives us the view of a "bema" seat...where each olympian receives his or her rewards. Their judgment is not one of condemnation, but of reward, as you said. And we forget that Jesus said if you even give a glass of water to someone in His name, that you will be rewarded for that. God is good...He's not willing that ANY should perish. God GIVES...He rescues...He loves...He IS love...and He's not holding any of our offenses against us. So many teachers are doing God a disservice, and not teaching who HE REALLY is. I'm reminded of when Moses said, "Lord, let me see You..." He had a hunger to see God. God did not rain down hail, or thunder, or rebuke, He put him in the cleft of the rock....put His hand over him...and went past Moses, showing him his back...what a sight that must have been! Glorious! God is GOOD. But too many teachers confuse the old covenant with the new; and the new is nothing like the old. The old showed mankind his did Jesus when He held the law up to their show them their inability w/o God IN them...who was their only hope of Glory. I simply love your web site, and the truths that you bring back to the forefront of TRUE CHRISTIANITY. To me, your blog reiterates what Paul said, "There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ. The law of the SPIRIT OF LIFE has set us free from the law of SIN...and DEATH." I'm sorry to hear of your migraines, and what you've had to deal with. At least we know that Jesus was truthful, and His word is true...IN THIS WORLD YOU.....WILL....HAVE TRIBULATIONS....but thank God He has overcome it all. You're in the cleft of the rock...and His hand is over you, Debbie, and someday you will not only see His will see His face! What a glorious day that will be. God bless....Linda Bailey, Mesa, AZ

with Debbie Childers